
The Echo Wife

The Echo Wife, by Sarah Gailey, is both wild speculative fiction and realistic relationship tension. Evelyn is a genius scientist…

4 years ago

“Spark” by Dusty Durston

I recently wrote about Spark Jr, Dusty Dunston's collection of writing prompts and challenge vocab for middle school writers.  Her…

4 years ago

Social Creature

Social Creature, by Tara Isabella Burton, is a dramatic thriller about an intense, twisted friendship and about how far someone…

4 years ago

Fave New Author: Jesse Q Sutanto

In the pandemic lockdown, I've been reading even more than usual. Mostly suspense and international fiction, plus some books recommended…

4 years ago

Murder At The Met (Penelope Harris Mysteries Book 2)

Murder At The Met (Penelope Harris Mystery #2), by E. W. Cooper, is a historical murder mystery set in 1920s…

4 years ago