Manners Novels

The Most Dangerous Place On Earth

Sometimes I think we should forget stars or numerical ratings, and just rank books based on how many sittings it…

6 years ago

白穷美 Library Requests

The 白穷美 companion to Crazy Rich Asians. #bookblogger #library #bookreviewer #bookreviewblog #amreading #bookstagram #CrazyRichAsians #白穷美 A post shared by Meg…

7 years ago

Bennington Girls Are Easy

Bennington Girls Are Easy by Charlotte Silver is about two best friends, and their wider circle of college friends, navigating…

7 years ago

A Lady’s Guide to Etiquette and Murder

Ok, full disclosure, I stumbled across this while looking for The Lady's Guide to Petticoats and Piracy, the upcoming sequel to…

7 years ago

Crazy Rich Asians

You know I love Crazy Rich Asians, China Rich Girlfriend, and Rich People Problems, so I'm excited to see the movie. The…

7 years ago