Random House

Pretty Things

Although I knew that Nina and Lachlan weren't really going to get in, get the money, and get out, as…

3 years ago

Unmarriageable: Pride and Prejudice in Pakistan

Soniah Kamal's Unmarriageable is an warm story about sisterhood and friendship, as well as a love letter to Pride and Prejudice. The five…

4 years ago

The Secret History

In Donna Tartt's The Secret History, murder, lies, and classical studies blend in a suspense novel of moral questions. Richard…

5 years ago

The Wilder Girls

In Wilder Girls, by Rory Power, an outbreak of a horrific Tox causes creepy mutations and makes a girl's school…

5 years ago


Jo Baker's Longbourn promises to be Pride and Prejudice told from the servants' perspective, but this isn't the cute Austen-inspired…

5 years ago