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Damaged People

Damaged People by Bonnie Rozanski is a New York City family story, covering events that are both huge and mundane.…

2 years ago

Unmarriageable: Pride and Prejudice in Pakistan

Soniah Kamal's Unmarriageable is an warm story about sisterhood and friendship, as well as a love letter to Pride and Prejudice. The five…

4 years ago

An Etiquette Guide to the End Times

In Maia Sepp's novella An Etiquette Guide to the End Times, Olive writes a blog answering etiquette questions for well-mannered…

5 years ago

Red Sky Over Hawaii

I enjoyed Sara Ackerman's Island of Sweet Pies and Soldiers, so I was really excited to get her upcoming novel,…

5 years ago


You guys. I read another Pride and Prejudice reinvention. I like these, a little too much maybe, and they’re either…

6 years ago