Youngish Adult

Cascading Petals

 In Jane C. Brady’s YA novel Cascading Petals, our protagonist’s name is Jewel Hart, which tells you everything about how charming…

7 years ago

The Spring Girls

The Spring Girls by Anna Todd is a modern retelling of Little Women, which is, let's be honest, every little girl's…

7 years ago

The Epic Crush of Genie Lo

If you live in Asia, there’s probably some TV show or movie playing any given time of day that either…

8 years ago

It’s All Fun And Games

It's All Fun And Games by Dave Barrett is about teenage gamers on a weekend role-playing adventure that turns real. This is…

9 years ago

Authors Reading and Signing YA Novels ‘Gifted’, ‘Consider’, ‘Hungry’

The authors of YA fiction Gifted, Hungry, and Consider are having a signing and Q&A this Wednesday, July 13 at…

9 years ago