Editorial Review: Only Our Destiny by A.G. Russo | ManyBooks

I have a new review up on ManyBooks:

Only Our Destiny by A. G. Russo takes readers through the tragedies and setbacks of one Italian family from the small fishing village of Punto Roccioso. Although the family and the town are fictional, this novel reveals historical events and real hardships of southern Italy in an engrossing family saga.

When the story opens, an outbreak of the deadly Spanish flu and the First World War have already taken many lives in this village. Raffaela’s father, convinced she needs a strong husband, arranges to have her married to Giuseppe, although she doesn’t have any love or affection for him. Young Raffaela protests this marriage, but the famiglia is everything in Punto Rocciosa, and she has no choice but to do as her father says. This marriage sets Raffaela’s story in motion, and sadly, it’s just the beginning of her hardships.

Source: Editorial Review: Only Our Destiny by A.G. Russo | ManyBooks

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