
Handwritten Letters

Sometimes we need the convenience of email and texting, but a personalized, handwritten card or letter can make a keepsake. That means a handwritten note is often more appreciated and more memorable than an emailed message.

A handwritten letter can be a sweet way to connect with shoppers, backers or whoever supports your small business. This could be a nice. convenient way to leave a positive, memorable impression on customers.

First, a handwritten, mailed letter feels special, so it gets opened and read, and doesn’t go straight to spam. Lets be real, a lot of emails go directly to spam and never get opened. And texting is getting pretty spammy too, with loads of messages selling products or sending ads. It’s easy to ignore emails and texts when it looks like they’re selling something or they aren’t very important. But who can resist opening a physical card or letter with a handwritten greeting?

Plus, after it’s been opened and read, an important handwritten paper note can be kept as a keepsake. In addition to letters to friends and family, handwritten letters can thank your customers. This will leave a positive impression in your customer’s memory, and be much more memorable than just another email.

Mass emails are fast and easy to send. A lot of mass mailing are the same thing — printed in bulk and shoved in mailboxes. But a letter could look different and stand out. You could use a handwritten letter for a business appreciation letter to customer or tuck a handwritten card in with purchases, and it’s an entirely different feel than a mass email.

For many small businesses, including a short and simple thank-you note or a handwritten customer appreciation letter with every purchase could be a sweet way to leave a positive memory. After a customer orders a product or books a service, a short thoughtful note can help improve the relationship and make your company stand out.

In addition to thank-yous, a handwritten note can help out when there’s a delay or a problem. Once you’ve let your customers know that a product is delayed or out of stock, you could thank them for their support with a handwritten note. This could also be a nice way to let Kickstarter backers know that the project is still in development and still on the way.

Handwritten letters can show care and personal attention from a business, like a handwritten letter between friends. This can help develop a warm and positive working relationship. Most people like to get a personal letter, especially since these days it usually arrives amid a pile of advertisements. For most people, a personal, handwritten letter is unusual and fun. The time in sending a personalized letter instead of sending a mass email or tucking a business card into the packages helps show how important the recipient is to the business.  This can help a small business grow, by developing those key relationships, or help a huge business feel smaller and more personal.

Sending a handwritten letter to customers, backers, or other supporters could be a sweet and memorable way to thank them. This personal, classic touch stands out in a a sea of emails, texts, and spammy communications.

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