In Last Tang Standing, by Lauren Ho, Andrea's in her thirties, and she's just split up with her long-term boyfriend.…
A sarong party girl is beautiful Singaporean girl, spotted at clubs and bars looking for wealthy, Western men. In Sarong…
I'm not sure how I discovered Aunty Lee's Delights: A Singaporean Mystery, by Ovidia Yu, but, you guys, what a…
A man loses a finger and a man-eating tiger, missing just that toe, prowls the village... is it a coincidence…
Ponti is a very MFA-ish book, full of lovely description, visual detail, and memorable phrases, but chapters and chapters go…
In the pandemic lockdown, I've been reading even more than usual. Mostly suspense and international fiction, plus some books recommended…
The Obsession by Jesse Q. Sutanto is a suspense novel about a twisted high school romance. The story is told…
In the Crazy Rich series, the hyperwealthy families of Singapore spend a lot of time eating and talking about what…
You know I love Crazy Rich Asians, China Rich Girlfriend, and Rich People Problems, so I'm excited to see the movie. The…